Addictions, Self-Worth, The Right Stuff

Allow; to let do or happen, to permit, to grant, to make provision for. The word allow historically had negative connotations attached to it for me. A rigidity would happen in my body and mind when I would think of or hear the word allow. Even today, it can conjure up images of patriarchal men oppressing women and children, of mothers controlling their children, of abusive husbands maintaining control over frightened wives. I don’t think that allow is always… Read More
Feb 23 2015
Addictions, Mistakes, Moving Forward, Pain, Self-Worth

Recently I had the lovely pleasure of being in a car accident. Yes that was sarcasm. No it was not lovely. Happened on a Monday night on my way home from work. I hit the car in front of me. Thank goodness everyone involved was okay. Let me just tell you, I was a rattled frazzled mess. My body was shaking – My thoughts trying to comprehend what had just happened. After we exchanged info and he drove away I… Read More
Addictions, Ego, Self-Desruction, Self-Worth, Truth

The news isn’t bad enough these days. We are faced with ISIS burning innocent people alive and chopping off heads like it was the 15th Century, only now they get to immediately upload images to You Tube, for that 21st Century dopamine rush of cyber induced instant gratification. We have Russia falling, currencies crumbling, daily genocide in Africa, and other parts of the world, and then the usual abject poverty, murder and mayhem that is sadly part of life. And then…then… Read More