May 22 2018
Jun 13 2016
Character, Clarity, Communication
if you want to live an authentic, meaningful life, you need to master the art of disappointing and upsetting others, hurting feelings, and living with the reality that some people just won’t like you. It may not be easy, but it’s essential if you want your life to reflect your deepest desires, values, and needs.
Aging, Anxiety, Appreciation, Character, Clarity, Compassion, Courage, Death, Growth, Hanging In There, Inspiration, Life

I have never reposted a blog before. And if I have it certainly wasn’t two months after the initial publication. But the man who wrote this wonderful blog died suddenly yesterday. Carl Rahn Griffith was a very insightful man. He came upon some difficult times. He learned a lot and he writes about it with clarity and wisdom. I am reposting it today in his honor and his memory. Take some time, read it, learn from Carl. And cherish the day… Read More
Oct 21 2015
Accomplishment, Action, Clarity, Growth, Letting Go

There is a very fine balance between overworking something and letting it go. We are all (we hope) always working on something. It might be a life change, a career move, a family dynamic overhaul, personal transformation, or it could be several at once. But there is no question we all grapple and fuss and think until sometimes we fell like our brains will just fly out of the top our heads. I know for me, I play with things… Read More
Addictions, Appreciation, Clarity, Compassion, Courage

May 19th Tracey and I recorded a podcast with Randy Cohen. An enjoyable visit with an interesting man. During a break I rather casually mentioned that it was the anniversary of my fathers death. “Today? May 19th?” Tracey asked. I answered “Yes, in 1954. Two days before his 60th birthday.” It had quietly and almost clinically occurred to me. We nodded respectfully and the conversation moved on. It was one of those moments when a memory surprises you by its… Read More
Apr 5 2015
Feb 25 2015