May 28 2018
Mar 21 2016

The morning felt delicious, as did the liberating thrill of pedaling a bike out of Paris to the woods. For the past two weeks I had been imagining myself beneath a canopy of shimmering poplars, drinking in their green brew. And now here we were, on a family bike outing, a picnic lunch in our backpacks, the weather clear and warm. We got on the bike path, a block away, and rode up to the Parc de la Villette, then… Read More
Aug 16 2015
Aug 6 2015
Jan 29 2015
Growth, Guides, Happiness, Living Fully

It’s been said that life is best measured in moments and not milestones. The older I get the more I see the truth in that. The more I think about it, the more I begin to treasure pieces of my past. Of course the big events are notated and celebrated throughout the years. We note the wedding anniversaries, the career accomplishments or recognition, the major successes in our chosen fields. Naturally, my sobriety date would certainly apply. I describe it… Read More