Sep 17 2021
Jan 14 2016
Oct 28 2015
Accomplishment, Addictions, Book Suggestions, Discipline, Life

Take a healthy dose of good honest mid-western values, mix it with a lot of corporate and life experience, throw in some spirituality and a big bucket of knowledge about recovery and you have the all the ingredients for an informative, readable and truly helpful book. Doug Tieman has been the CEO of Caron Treatment Centers for 20 years. Before Caron he spent decades working in the corporate world, so he understands addiction of all sorts, office politics, people skills,… Read More
Jun 28 2015
May 17 2015
Bravery, Discipline, Faith, Hanging In There

The most asked question, biggest complaint, stickiest wicket of this work or any self-improvement path is always, “I keep trying, I keep asking, I keep trying to be grateful, I keep trying to hold faith, have trust, ask for what I need and want and actively pursue it, but it somehow it continues to evade me. I can’t make it work. It’s useless. I’m useless. What is the point? I might as well give up.” These doubts and feelings… Read More
Devotion, Discipline, Hanging In There, Perseverence

Discipline and Devotion, kissing cousins, best friends and the cornerstones and pillars to making any self-improvement plan, business or relationship work. I have grown to believe that one does not work without the other. You have to be devoted to not only the outcome of what you are doing but to the process of it. It’s not enough to want something; wanting is not devotion. The dictionary describes devotion as commitment, enthusiasm and dedication. You don’t see the word… Read More