Mar 8 2018
Apr 19 2016
Jul 6 2015
May 24 2015
Addictions, Honesty, Life, Moving Forward

I just spent a week in Mexico with 500 people in various stages of recovery. It’s an annual event sponsored by Sober Vacations International. Mostly alcoholics like myself, the gathering included alcoholics and drug addicts with anywhere from 4 days of sobriety to 51 years. You couldn’t tell by looking that we were recovering drunks. If anything set us apart from your normal Club Med crowd it would have to be the blissful grins and friendly greetings. We love… Read More
Emotions, Goals, Honesty, Living Fully

It’s that time of year when we’re making our lists and checking them twice. Here at G and T we end up making all sorts of lists. Lists trying to locate the headwaters of our issues; Lists of our goals, or mistakes, the wrongs we want to right and the things we are grateful for. And those are just a few. While many people start pondering turning over a new leaf on the strike of midnight on December 31st,… Read More