Addictions, Behavior, Character, Giving Back
“Thanks Mountain”

One of my favorite movies has always been “Treasure of Sierra Madre“. There’s a nice moment in the film when three miners who’ve struck gold are about to come down off the mountain. They’ve staked their claim and are leaving with a small fortune they’ve pried from the rocky terrain. One of the three, a crusty old charmer named Howard (played by Walter Huston) insists they restore the mountain and close the wound they’ve ripped in her side. The… Read More
The ingredients of both darkness and light are equally present in all of us,…The madness of this planet is largely a result of the human being’s difficulty in coming to virtuous balance with himself.
The ingredients of both darkness and light are equally present in all of us,…The madness of this planet is largely a result of the human being’s difficulty in coming to virtuous balance with himself.
Jun 21 2017
Addictions, Mindfulness, Moving Forward
Most of us do not take these situations as teachings. We automatically hate them. We run like crazy. We use all kinds of ways to escape — all addictions stem from this moment when we meet our edge and we just can’t stand it. We feel we have to soften it, pad it with something, and we become addicted to whatever it is that seems to ease the pain.
Jun 6 2017
Dec 27 2016
Acceptance, Addictions, Anxiety

The other day during an interview I was asked why so many people were frightened and anxious and how the Six Affirmations removed those fears. It’s a very good question and there is no easy answer to it. The truth is fear, anxiety, nervousness, sadness, remorse are all natural and normal for human beings. The basic tenant of Buddhism is that we must accept suffering and allow it to wash over us, through us and around us. But it is… Read More
You Can Never Be Too Rich or Too Thin – Unless You Weigh 89lbs

I quit eating food one time for about a year. I called it being vegan. My Uncle called it “hot”, he has no boundaries and likes submissive women. The hospital called it “anorexic”. It was my junior year of high school. I started the year weighing 112lbs and eating anything I wanted. I was always super skinny. I tell people that I used to weigh 400 lbs though. Everybody likes a weight loss success story. Nobody likes a naturally thin… Read More
Accomplishment, Addictions, Book Suggestions, Discipline, Life

Take a healthy dose of good honest mid-western values, mix it with a lot of corporate and life experience, throw in some spirituality and a big bucket of knowledge about recovery and you have the all the ingredients for an informative, readable and truly helpful book. Doug Tieman has been the CEO of Caron Treatment Centers for 20 years. Before Caron he spent decades working in the corporate world, so he understands addiction of all sorts, office politics, people skills,… Read More