Accomplishment, Bravery, Character, Courage, Goals
The New York City Marathon has taken place outside my window all day today. I heard them setting up the barricades and podiums at five am and twelve hours later there are many hours to go before the last people will cross the finish line. While I’m not a runner myself, I see the lessons in the act of running a marathon as well as the metaphor of the marathon itself. Fifty thousand people set off this morning to run… Read More
Action, Clarity, Goals, Living Fully
I was talking to a friend the other day who is deep into their personal transformation. We were discussing what to do when you don’t want to fall back on the old ways. We are so much about replacing the old with the new. Substituting new healthy patterns for the old, worn out negative ones. What makes you happy that isn’t destructive, fattening, expensive or defeats your goals People handle stress in so many ways. Are you a muncher?… Read More
Emotions, Goals, Honesty, Living Fully
It’s that time of year when we’re making our lists and checking them twice. Here at G and T we end up making all sorts of lists. Lists trying to locate the headwaters of our issues; Lists of our goals, or mistakes, the wrongs we want to right and the things we are grateful for. And those are just a few. While many people start pondering turning over a new leaf on the strike of midnight on December 31st,… Read More
DREAMS, Giving Back, Goals, Gratitude
Appreciating what shows up in your life changes your personal vibration. Gratitude elevates your life to a higher frequency. ~ OPRAH Goodness. Gratitude. Grateful. Glad. Generous. Pick your positive G- word – it does not begin to describe the feelings we I have today. Back track. Rewind the tape, for all our new members – Thanks to the great Oprah Winfrey and our appearance on Super Soul Sunday yesterday we have many new followers on this site this morning. To all… Read More
Addictions, Change, Goals, Health
When one thinks of white powdery addictive substances the first thing that comes to mind is cocaine. And without question it fits the bill. But it is far from most lethal, highly addictive, widely ingested white, powdery substance around. That would be sugar. Yes, the number one devil in a white dress is that sweet tasting, seemingly banal though highly addictive sugar, and its relatives, fructose, corn syrup and the rest of the sweeteners we seemingly cannot live without. America’s… Read More
Action, Goals, Gratitude, Mindfulness
Circumstances, attitudes, genetic make-up – key words for how we live our life. Because inherent in life are hardships and those slippery slopes, we know that it can’t always be rosy and yummy. But it can be meaningful, purposeful, enriching and pretty awesome. We need to live it in a flourishing way – pain and all – and get the most out of this one-shot deal. (unless of course you really believe you’re coming back for another chance) There… Read More