May 21 2018
Growth, Guides, Happiness, Living Fully
It’s been said that life is best measured in moments and not milestones. The older I get the more I see the truth in that. The more I think about it, the more I begin to treasure pieces of my past. Of course the big events are notated and celebrated throughout the years. We note the wedding anniversaries, the career accomplishments or recognition, the major successes in our chosen fields. Naturally, my sobriety date would certainly apply. I describe it… Read More
DREAMS, Guides, Happiness, Holidays
A few days ago I tweeted this picture of Clarence, the angel from Frank Capra’s iconic Christmas story, “It’s A Wonderful Life”. An impressive number of retweets followed, along with an outpouring of love for the film. My Instagram had the same effect. One comment seemed to accurately sum up the world’s opinion. elvis_grim_reaper “It must have been 11 years ago, maybe to the day.. I went to a matinee showing of “It’s a Wonderful Life” with my friend Josh.… Read More
Jul 17 2014
Guides, Mindfulness, Moving Forward, Right Action
I don’t know the difference between my left and my right. Well, that is not true, I do know; I just don’t always pay attention to which is which. For instance if you happen to be in car with me and tell me to “Turn left”, I may take a sharp right. Which usually leads the person with me to ask, “Don’t you know the difference between your left and right?” I’m not sure where my inability to sometimes differentiate… Read More
Acceptance, Guides, Letting Go, Mindfulness
The concept comes in many different forms, with many different sayings attached. “Letting go and letting God” is perhaps the most famous refrain. A less specifically religious, but one that covers a multitude of higher powers…“I don’t know what to do – you take over.” The second affirmation in Gratitude and Trust covers this. We are only letting out the first two affirmations before publication. “I don’t know how to do this but something inside me does.” They all fall… Read More
Apr 13 2014
Apr 1 2014
Mar 11 2014
Clarity, Faith, Goodness, Guides, Mindfulness
Life lessons come in as many shapes and sizes as there are people. The opportunity to learn can be in church or at the park watching a young father with his children. Daddy referees are especially inventive. An argument over a toy settled quickly by a clever comment. “I don’t want you fighting over the ball and I really don’t want you getting on those swings”. Classic reverse psychology, which leads, of course, to both toddlers heading for the… Read More