Oct 22 2017
Aug 1 2016
May 26 2016
Apr 7 2016
Acceptance, Choices, Courage, Emotions, Family
It is not natural to challenge the existing beliefs breaking patterns, and yet once you manage, you create a space for the new patterns to form, the ones that are filled with Love, Acceptance, Knowledge, and you give yourself & your kids a chance to Spiritually Grow.
Acceptance, Depression, Family, Loss

My Dad wasn’t great at paying child support (he resented the $280 a month). I wound up spending most of my life trying to prove to my Dad that I was worth the money. My father had a MSW and made a very comfortable living. He drove new cars and built two brand new houses. My mother and I drove used cars, wore clothes from the thrift store and counted our pennies. In some ways I am still trying to… Read More
Acceptance, Addictions, Anxiety

The other day during an interview I was asked why so many people were frightened and anxious and how the Six Affirmations removed those fears. It’s a very good question and there is no easy answer to it. The truth is fear, anxiety, nervousness, sadness, remorse are all natural and normal for human beings. The basic tenant of Buddhism is that we must accept suffering and allow it to wash over us, through us and around us. But it is… Read More

To be or not to be. Sometimes the choice is ours. Hamlet knew he could “his quietus make with a bare bodkin.” That would be a knife in Elizabethan times. A little extreme. If I were going to “end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to” I sure as hell wouldn’t stab myself. No, I’m not suicidal. I’m not even depressed. Forgive the maudlin beginning but Hamlet’s soliloquy is probably the most brilliant thing ever written about throwing… Read More
Acceptance, Action, Aging, Courage, Disappointment, Growth, Hanging In There

Unprecedented numbers of white-collar workers are facing the prospect of losing their jobs; this has happened to blue-collar workers over many years and, somewhat patronisingly, been deemed inevitable/acceptable and a necessary trait of industry modernising via automation, etc. There has been little sympathy for such job losses. With white-collar workers the reaction has been somewhat different, largely because this impacts a whole different demographic and is part of the narrative chronicling the demise of the middle-class, its impact on consumerism… Read More