Jan 27 2022
Nov 22 2021
Dec 19 2018
Sep 13 2016
Apr 3 2016
Gratitude, Hanging In There, Health

Here’s the thing: you can’t change the past and you can’t predict the future. We know these things on a fundamental level yet we do little things every day to suggest otherwise. I get stuck on the little things, I complain about the little things. It’s nearly constant, and it’s a perpetual New Year’s resolution of mine to knock it off. But once in a while I’ll happen upon a picture from 3 years ago and get some forced… Read More
Giving Back, Gratitude, Growth, Hanging In There, Living Fully

This Thanksgiving weekend marked the 4th anniversary of my near-death accident when an out-of-control SUV with a sleeping driver barreled into my bicycle. I was an experienced cyclist taking all possible precautions — I was wearing a helmet and bright clothing, obeying traffic laws, and riding on the right shoulder of a sparsely travelled country road. It was 1:06 pm on a Saturday afternoon and everything changed in a split second. I think about that moment in time every day.… Read More
Aug 30 2015
Appreciation, Gratitude, Living Fully

We are all so busy. Life moves so fast. It often goes from hectic to frantic to out of control. We are trying to do so many things in the course of a day. We have work to get done. Many of us have kids who need our attention, houses to maintain, places to go, people to see, things that need doing pronto if not sooner. And then if you are like me, I’m trying to do things slowly, sometimes,… Read More