Sep 18 2017
Aug 29 2016
Jul 28 2015

It happened AGAIN! I have been clean and sober for 22 years, 347 days. I know by the hatred, the dread, and all the excuses I come up with not to attend large parties that I am NOT comfortable in those environments. You know the company xmas parties, milestone birthdays, the parties where there is lots of alcohol and lots of falseness. You have probably been to one or two of them yourself. I never was good at these so… Read More
Jul 12 2015

A musician on stage cringes when he hears feedback during a performance. It’s usually in the form of a screeching electronic protestation caused by … well, I’m not really sure. It’s a problem usually created when the microphone and the monitors enter a level of intimacy unsanctioned by the Gods of technology. There was a time when I’d have gone on and on about why feedback occurs, undeterred by the fact that I was simply guessing. Life is better this… Read More
Mar 18 2015
Jan 7 2015