DREAMS, Giving Back, Goals, Gratitude

Appreciating what shows up in your life changes your personal vibration. Gratitude elevates your life to a higher frequency.
Goodness. Gratitude. Grateful. Glad. Generous. Pick your positive G- word – it does not begin to describe the feelings we I have today.
Back track. Rewind the tape, for all our new members – Thanks to the great Oprah Winfrey and our appearance on Super Soul Sunday yesterday we have many new followers on this site this morning.
To all of you, Paul and I welcome you with open computers and arms. This is a site devoted goodness, to helping each other out, to offering advice, a hand and the truth as we see it. People here know they can speak from their hearts and they are safe. We are very proud that we are able to offer this little haven on the web for people to come to.
There is no negativity here. As the long time followers can vouch for, nobody chides anybody, argues or criticizes. There are no haters on Gratitude and Trust. And if there are, they stay silent or they sign off. If someone is nasty on our Facebook, I block them. That’s just the way we roll.
While I’m talking about the blog, I want to take this moment to thank all of you who have been with us from the beginning of this journey and those who have joined along the way. Your devotion, feedback and participation has made this site what it is. And believe me you have taught us as much as we might have taught you.
And why do I suddenly sound like I’m running for office?
My thoughts are usually in order. Sometimes my spelling is not. I don’t get upset when someone points it out. There was a time I did. I now…
And I try and use spellcheck more arduously.
Today has been one of the most amazing days of my life. Thanks to Super Soul, to all of you and the Tweeting and Facebooking and all the wonderful things people said online, we catapulted from number 7000 on Amazon this morning to number 32 in all books in the country as I write this.
Thanks to many of you!
What is my lesson as I wind down this exceptional day in a life full of wonderful days? I don’t take it for granted. Not a second of it. I’m wrapping it up in silk and tucking it into my memory like a treasured gift. It is a gift. And I know that life comes with the great days as well as the horrendous. So you take the great ones and you memorize them. You keep them tucked in your heart. That is where a lot of gratitude lives.
What you learn about life is the good memories are just a big a part of you as the not so good. It’s all of them that make up who you are. And if you didn’t have a string of failures on your record, you would not be able to appreciate the hits. I have had my share of failures.
I take from this day a feeling of accomplishment, mutual accomplishment, how can I not? But at the same time I want to say this book, writing it with Paul, promoting it around the world the way we have, and will continue to do, talking to people from all walks of life, in all stages of personal growth, pain and transformation has been one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had.
I have learned that if you do something for all the right reasons the outcome does not ultimately matter. Now that may sound like hogwash the night we are sitting at Number One in Personal Transformation and Number One in Recovery. There will be a day when we are not and we will have to attack that day with as much enthusiasm and energy as we do this one. That is living in the moment. That is gratitude in action.
But trust me when I tell you Paul and I have shown up in the last two months and there have been 35o people and there and have been six people. We have sold out of books and as recently as last week, we had an event where two people walked out and we sold three books. There are no absolutes. There are no givens. There are no rules. There is just the moment.
We do have one rule, one thing we both believe and that is, if we can help one person, make a tiny difference in on individual’s journey, we have done our job. It’s a good day. If one person sits in auditorium and they walk out with a little more hope than they walked in with then that is a job well done.
And we have been in those situations. Auditoriums that hold 500 with maybe only 25 in the audience. Is it a better day if the house is packed and we sell out of books and get a ton of praise? For the ego sure. For the book – of course. Succeeding feels better than failing. But we don’t think we’re failing if only one shows up. That is the promise we made to each other and to this process.
When we set out with the idea for this, we said if nobody wanted to publish it we would publish it ourselves. Thanks to David Rosenthal and Blue Rider that was not the case.
For Paul it was and is about sharing the joy and solace his recovery has brought him. For me it was always about taking the extraordinary principles of recovery to the masses, if I could. It was about learning to be a better human being myself in the process.
It continues to be that for the two of us. If we drop to number 35,000 tomorrow morning, we are here to stay.
We Live Our Lives in Love and Service and Gratitude and Trust.
And I can’t think of a better way to do it!