“Whenever I feel ah—fraid –I hold my head erect and whistle a happy tune…so, no one will suspect…I’m ah—fraid!” This little song has actually brought me through some tense times. The magic of music can certainly lift a mood. Try to stay grumpy while listening to reggae. But sometimes late at night a creepy thought might pounce on your tranquility; now, you’re twisting the Rubicks cube of worry, imagining every possible horrific outcome.
How to wrangle the runaway thoughts while trying to sleep? How to stop that late-night scary eye-lid movie? That’s the subject of this post. I’m not one to sweep your fears under the carpet. Your fears are relevant and worthy of introspection. The question becomes: Which fears are worthy of hijacking your peace?
Here’s an equation that might help: Don’t allow yourself to worry when it’s TWO IFS, AND A MAYBE. That’s right. And here’s an easy application: Say your roommate was late for her half of the rent. You are tempted to spin out. IF…my roommate doesn’t have the rent and I have to find a new one, and IF I go on Craig’s list and don’t find someone good, MAYBE I’ll have to live with a slob/psycho/insert your own demon. IF I don’t lose this weight by the reunion, and IF I can’t find a dress that looks hot, MAYBE I won’t go. Are you starting to see it? Don’t speculate, compound it, then try and solve it. Just deal with each situation as it presents itself. That doesn’t mean you don’t have a spare tire, fire-extinguisher, or little black dress and pumps in the car (for emergency, fun, and spontaneity preparedness). We are trying to cut down on speculative-drama.
Guessing about crap is a waste of time. It’s like trying to cut a steak underwater, or playing handball against the drapes. Tonight, with your face nestled in your soft pillow, is not the time and place to worry. Stop already with the negative scenarios. Don’t speculate on disaster. Don’t allow TWO IFs and a MAYBE to hijack your peace of mind.
This equation works well with worries of friends, too. When a friend goes on too long kvetching about some imagined crisis, when it’s my turn to talk, I say, “I never worry about anything that is two ifs and a maybe.” This remark usually results in a pause—then a laugh, then, “Did you make that up?” Yes, I did. Feel free to use this drama buster when a pesky friend rambles on and on and on. Paul has a funny saying, “Does that person need an on-and-on-and-on a-non meeting?”
We are good listeners for our friends, but sometimes we need to shift the focus from negative speculation to, well? Hmm. A good opportunity to change the subject to focus on you? HA!
Trust yourself to have a solution by the time you have a real problem. Not fifteen half problems cooking on the back burner. Have a worry-free day and night!