Aging, Anxiety, Appreciation, Character, Clarity, Compassion, Courage, Death, Growth, Hanging In There, Inspiration, Life

I have never reposted a blog before. And if I have it certainly wasn’t two months after the initial publication. But the man who wrote this wonderful blog died suddenly yesterday. Carl Rahn Griffith was a very insightful man. He came upon some difficult times. He learned a lot and he writes about it with clarity and wisdom. I am reposting it today in his honor and his memory. Take some time, read it, learn from Carl. And cherish the day… Read More
Feb 24 2016
Character, Compassion, Courage
The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.
Accomplishment, Bravery, Character, Courage, Goals

The New York City Marathon has taken place outside my window all day today. I heard them setting up the barricades and podiums at five am and twelve hours later there are many hours to go before the last people will cross the finish line. While I’m not a runner myself, I see the lessons in the act of running a marathon as well as the metaphor of the marathon itself. Fifty thousand people set off this morning to run… Read More
Aug 3 2015
May 24 2015
May 13 2015
Apr 28 2015